Item description : 25 tested seeds of Nymphaea minuta with their sowing instruction sheet, purity and germination are guaranteed (if the instructions are followed). I harvest seeds regularly and test them every time. The price includes shipping with a tracking number.
Habitat and Description : Beautiful waterlily endemic of Madagascar, very easy and one of the smallest species of the genus. Ideal for aquarium cultivation. This species is peculiar as it has 2 forms, an emerse one with floating leaves when light conditions are adequate and an underwater one in dark conditions. Both can flower and another weird aspect of this species is that it can flower completely underwater (see pictures).
Care : Easy, water neutral to alkaline, clay/pond soil and regular fertilization with a well lit exposure for an optimal develoment. Temperature of the water between 18 and 30°C for adult plants. Detailed growing care will be explained in the sowing sheet sent with the seeds.
Cold hardiness : Tropical
(Disclaimer : Cold hardiness varies from one place to another and also depends of the size and origin of the plant)