Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the origin of the plants sold ?
Plants I offer on this website have various origins, most of the seedlings come from seeds and were cultivated by myself. Most of these seeds come from cultivated plants or from habitat when it’s allowed. 100% of the old plants come from cultivation and the vast majority from European cultivators. We don’t offer wild harvested plants for ethical reasons with some exceptions such as the australian Macrozamia moorei : these come from salvage harvest, plants would have been destroyed buy constructions or in the clearing of forests to prevent fires.
How are the plants cultivated ?
For Cycads, cultivation is done in a pumice-based growing medium. The drawbacks of this medium is that it’s heavy thus expensive to ship but it allows an excellent rooting and you won’t have to repot the plant when receiving it. Furthermore, this medium makes the plants quite hardy unlike those offered by some european suppliers : plants are imported without roots then rooted in peat in conditions close to hydropony. These plants often get shocked when they’re cultivated under normal conditions (loss of leaves, even roots) and need to be repoted asap as the growing medium does not provide nutrients.
Is it possible to see the plants at the nursery ?
Nowadays, for security reasons, we can’t receive visitors at the nursery. We only sell online but it’s possible to contact us for additionnal pictures and even videos.
A ce jour, pour des raisons de sécurité, nous ne pouvons pas recevoir de visiteurs à la pépinière. La vente se fait exclusivement à distance mais il est possible de me contacter pour des photos additionnelles voir des vidéos.
What care should I give to the plants I received ?
Plants from forest habitats are cultivated in the shade so it’s extremely important not to put them in full sun immediately because the leaves would get burnt (even a few hours are enough). They can be put in the sun after a slow transition but most of these species will thrive in a shady environment.
Our growing conditions will be specified in the description of the item.
What does Cold Hardiness means?
For most species, an indicative cold hardiness is given. The temperatures we give are the minimum a plant can handle before getting killed. This means that at such low temperatures, the plant will probably get damaged but will grow back. Keep in mind that a plant losing its leaf will grow slower than one that never experiences frosts as it takes a lot of energy to produce new leaves.
Another question ? Do not hesitate to contact me using the contact form.