Item description :One seedling of Cycas panzhihuaensis x taitungensis in a 4 liters pot with a 4cm caudex. You receive a plant similar to the pictured ones. The last pictures show the plant in cultivation in a friend’s garden in Florida.
Habitat and Description : Hybrid obtained from the pollination of a female Cycas panzhihuaensis with pollen of Cycas taitungensis. This cross is very promising since it combines the two most cold hardy Cycas. One can reasonably expect it to be as cold hardy as the parents, at least -10°C for well established plants. It’s very rare in cultivation but US growers seem to say that it’s a very tough plant. On the advanced plant pictures we can see that it combines the features of both species: leaves are more compact and less feathery than pure panzhihuaensis, but the newt leaves are slightly glaucous (while glossy green on taitungensis)
Care : Fast growing hybrid, can be grown in full sun or shade. Likes well draining soil but needs a lot of water in summer, especially if grown in full sun.
Cold hardiness : Hardy to zone 8b maybe even colder. More trials need to be made to determine this hybrid’s limits.