Item description : Young plant with 2 leaves in a 1.4 liters pot. You receive a plant similar to the one on pictures..
WARNING YOUNG PLANT: Young Zamia are very sensitive and I highly suggest to keep them at minimum 20°C during the night with temperature raising to 26-30°C during the day, and high humidity!
Habitat and Description : Extremely rare species from North Colombia. It grows in lowland forests and stays quite small. The name comes from the petiole and rachis that have a dark color contrasting with the green of the leave
Cultivation : Pure tropical species. Beware, it’s difficult to cultivate and for experienced growers.. Have a look at the Zamia cultivation article in the “Horticulture” section of the website to get more info;
Cold hardiness : Tropical, minimum 20°C during the night, and 25-30°C during the day
(Disclaimer : Cold hardiness varies from one place to another and also depends of the size and origin of the plant)