Item description : Young plant with 1 leaf in a 1.4 liters pot. You receive a plant similar to the one on pictures..
WARNING YOUNG PLANT: Young Zamia are very sensitive and I highly suggest to keep them at minimum 20°C during the night with temperature raising to 26-30°C during the day, and high humidity!
Habitat and Description : Artificial hybrid result of the cross between the “Grooved form of Z. purpurea, the largest form of the 2 commonly found in cultivation and Zamia splendens. The result sould be vigorous plants with very colorful new leaves, larger than the cross with the Smooth form. The Australian growers say wonders about this hybrid as they performed it years ago already. This hybrid was created by myself at the nursery.
Cultivation : Medium difficulty, well draining medium is needed. This species will prefer a warm and humid environment, but it can tolerate cooler and drier conditions, better under half shade to get nice leaves. Have a look at the Zamia cultivation article in the “Horticulture” section of the website to get more info.
Cold hardiness : Tropical, will tolerate temperatures close to 0°C for a short time but it should preferably be kept at a minimum of 15-20°C during the night, and 25-30°C during the day
(Disclaimer : Cold hardiness varies from one place to another and also depends of the size and origin of the plant)