Item description : 1 rooted division of Siphonochilus kirkii (Katete, Zambia). The plant for sale is the plant on pictures
Habitat and Description : A beautiful small size ginger from tropical Africa with beautiful pink flowers, some giving it the moniker “Orchid ginger” . The species has different colors of flowers and this one is the most common one but still rare in cultivation. The plant is of the Katete locality in Zambia.
Care : Tropical conditions in summer. Needs warmth and a lot of water during the vegetative season. A good light intensity is needed for the growth to remain compact. Minimum temperature 20°C at night and 25-35°C during the day to keep it in growth.
When the leaves become yellow and die, keep the pot on the dry side (but not bone dry) until the next spring
Cold hardiness : Tropical